
MediLabSecure Global Meeting

One Health
MediLabSecure Global Meeting Group Photo at Institut Pasteur

Global Meeting in France

From June 11th to June 13th, 2024, the MediLabSecure project hosted a Global Meeting in France to celebrate the project's 10-year anniversary. This event aimed to honor a decade of dedication and achievements in the field of vector-borne diseases preparedness.

The event featured a first day at the Institut Pasteur with a One Health conference entitled “Regional and multisectoral cooperation in action: tackling emerging infectious diseases impacted by climate change in the Mediterranean region”. It served as an opportunity to envision the future and highlight impactful multisectoral projects that have contributed to improve public health in the context of climate and environmental changes.

The meeting was followed by a 2-day retreat at the Domaine de Frémigny, focusing on a comprehensive exploration of project advancements, lessons learned and more on the One Health approach to prevent vector-borne diseases.


Organized by the project’s coordination team from Institut Pasteur with the collaboration of the members of the implementing European consortium, this meeting brought together more than 80 participants from the MediLabSecure network.

The main objective of this Global Meeting was to commemorate 10 years of collaborative achievements in vector-borne diseases preparedness. It served as a platform to share successes, challenges, and lessons learned. This event provided valuable opportunities for intersectoral networking and cross-country collaboration, aiming to strengthen existing connections.

Agenda final

One Health Conference at the Institut Pasteur

Opening at Institut Pasteur - Anne-Sophie Lequarré

The event started on June 11th at the Institut Pasteur in Paris with a One Health conference entitled “Regional and multisectoral cooperation in action: tackling emerging infectious diseases impacted by climate change in the Mediterranean region”. The conference was inaugurated by:

  • Prof. Yasmine Belkaid, President of the Institut Pasteur
  • Mrs. Anne Claire Amprou, french Ambassador for Global Health
  • Dr. Benjamin Roche, Scientific Advisor “One Health” at IRD
  • Dr. Juan Ignacio Iquino, Advisor for the Vice Presidency of International Affairs at CSIC
  • Maria Grazia Dente, Research Director at the National Center for Global Health at ISS
  • Dr. Anne-Sophie Lequarré, Program Manager at the European Commission, funder of the project.

This event provided a platform to highlight significant multisectoral initiatives that have contributed to improve public health in the context of climate and environmental changes as well as to share MediLabSecure's vision and achievements. This first day gathered representatives from the MediLabSecure network, the Institut Pasteur, the French Ministries of Health and Europe and Foreign Affairs, the European Commission funder of MediLabSecure, and international organizations.

The day's agenda was packed with insightful presentations and dynamic roundtable discussions. Dr. Vanessa Lagal, Project Manager at Institut Pasteur presented the MediLabSecure project, highlighting a decade of achievements and collaborations in vector-borne diseases preparedness.

Discover her presentation here.

A first roundtable focused on how regional One Health projects can significantly impact national health strategies. Esteemed panelists shared their experiences and success stories, emphasizing the importance of collaborative efforts:

  • Dr. Aneta Afelt from IRD presented Espace-Dev activities, and through diverse projects, including the MOSAIC project, the impact of climate change on health of populations
  • Dr. Benoit Miribel from the One Sustainable Health Foundation presented on the activities of the foundation
  • Dr. Lusine Paronyan from WHO Armenia shared her experience as previous MediLabSecure member and the impact of the project in her country
  • Dr. Benjamin Roche from IRD presented the PREZODE project
  • Dr. Wim Van der Poel from Wageningen University, presented the One Health EJP program

The second roundtable addressed the challenges of developing a One Health workforce, highlighting the critical need for specialized training and capacity building in various health sectors. Speakers included:

  • Dr. Anvita Bhargava from Université Paris Cité presented the new Graduate School (EUR) "One Health in Emerging Infectious Diseases"
  • Dr. Ali Bouattour from Institut Pasteur de Tunis raised awareness on the lack of trained personnel in specific disciplines such as medical entomology
  • Prof. Arnaud Fontanet from Institut Pasteur presented the Ecole Pasteur-CNAM de santé publique, its public health master's program and its results following 15 years of trainings
  • Dr. Claudia Robbiati from ISS shared on the inclusion of diversity and equity in the One Health workforce in order to support prevention of health threats and on the “Building the One Health Workforce in the European Region” workshop
  • Dr. Nicolas Antoine-Moussiaux from Université de Liège shared his work and vision on the conceptual and methodological foundations of integrated approaches to health and their translation into action and teaching

Participants also engaged in a networking poster session, showcasing impactful research and projects focused on One Health and/or arboviruses. The poster session featured contributions from MediLabSecure members as well as representatives from other global projects, highlighting a diverse range of subjects.

Following a call for posters, over 40 posters were submitted and presented throughout the three-day event, allowing participants to explore these contributions and network with presenters.

Photos and quotes from members were displayed, offering a personal glimpse into what MediLabSecure means to them. A collaborative fresque was created, symbolizing the ten years of MediLabSecure's efforts and achievements. The evening concluded with a celebratory cocktail dinner, a concert, and a special cake to mark the ten-year milestone, fostering a sense of community and shared accomplishment.

2 Days at the Domaine de Frémigny

Domaine de Frémigny

MediLabSecure members gathered for a two-day retreat at the Domaine de Frémigny., surrounded by the french countryside, this retreat provided a peaceful setting for focused discussions and collaborations. It was an ideal place to review project progress, share lessons learned, and discuss the application of the One Health approach in preventing vector-borne diseases.


Day 1

  • EU CBRN CoE initaitive presented by Anne-Sophie Lequarré - European Commission
  • What's Next for MediLabSecure by Oriana Rossi - Institut Pasteur
  • MediLabSecure Strategic Document Roundtable moderated by Dr. Maria Grazia Dente - ISS and Dr. Osman Dar - UK Health Security Agency with the participation as speakers of Dr. Ali Bouattour - Institut Pasteur de Tunis, Dr. Lusine Paronyan - WHO Armenia, Dr. Rusmir Goletic - Institute for Health & Food Safety Zenic (Bosnia & Herzegovina), Dr. Jeanne El Hage - Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute and Anne-Sophie Lequarré - European Commisson

The afternoon featured rotating parallel sessions including:

  • A simulation exercise: ALERTE game with the participation of facilitators from WOAH and CIRAD
  • A presentation on "Dual Use & Gain of Function" by Dr. Guillain Mikaty - Institut Pasteur
  • An interactive roundtable to identify local activities needs moderated by the coordination team - Institut Pasteur
  • A presentation on "Risk Map Awareness" by Dr. Cedric Marsboom - Avia-GIS

Day 2

Detailed Session Insights

Strategic document

MediLabSecure Strategic Document Roundtable

The MediLabSecure startegic documents develop on the results of studies and activites implemented during the project with MediLabSecure partners and presents recommendations for future actions shared with the countries and the international organizations involved in this effort. This session focused on discussing the methodology and content of the second strategic document currently in progress. It was an interactive forum where participants shared their opinions and suggested additions. This collaborative approach aimed to enrich and refine the strategic framework through diverse perspectives and consensus-building among members and stakeholders.


ALERTE Game simulation exercise

Simulation Exercise: ALERTE Game

This session was facilitated by experts from WOAH and Cirad with the objective of simulating and enhancing understanding of the roles and responsibilities within the surveillance chain during outbreaks. This interactive session engaged participants in a simulated scenario, where they actively navigated through various stages of an outbreak response. By immersing themselves in this practical exercise, attendees gained a deeper understanding on the complexities and coordination required among communities and professionals during health emergencies.

Multisectoral Knowledge to Policy Translation Exercise

Multisectoral Knowledge to Policy Translation Exercise

This exercise underscored the importance of applying a One Health approach in translating scientific insights into policy. Participants from diverse sectors and countries collaborated in groups to prepare short presentations advocating for the creation of a training course to develop the One Health workforce. They engaged in simulated discussions with policymakers, demonstrating their ability to convince and communicate scientific information effectively. This practical approach highlighted the significance of adopting a unified strategy and bridging gaps between science and policy implementation.
Charter of Value

Charter of Value presentation

Dr. Vanessa Lagal from the coordination team presented the evolution of the Charter of Value, shaped through a collaborative, bottom-up approach during previous regional meetings. These included the Balkan and Black Sea region in 2023, the Middle East region in 2022 and the Sahel & North Africa region in 2020. The session highlighted the core values and commitments that best represent the network, formed through valuable contributions from participants. In this global meeting, participants were invited to collectively validate the work done in previous meetings.

Work with your Group session

This session was crafted to emphasize the importance of collaboration, giving members the opportunity to interact with the project's implementing partners. Experts within the same field could share their needs and expectations while also connecting with peers from other countries. Moreover, this sessions enabled experts from various countries to enhance their professional relationships and engage in discussions about the successes and challenges they encounter while implementing an integrated surveillance system in their respective countries.


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