Exhibition 'Vectors and diseases'
What do plague, Malaria and Chikungunya have in common?
These diseases and many others—or more precisely the causal agents responsible—are spread by 'vectors'. A vector is a transmission agent for microscopic organisms that cause diseases; these are spread to humans and animals by biting. The exhibition shows a broad range of vectors and also discusses the research conducted by scientists to gain better knowledge of them in order to organise control.
Open publication - Free publishing
Specification sheet
This exhibition has been devised and produced by IRD with the support of the European project MediLabSecure.
> 17 banners display / 14 formats 80 x 180 cm, 3 formats 80 x 90 cm
> Eyelets on upper and lower edges and stabilizing bars
Exhibition available in French, English, Serbian, Macedonian, Armenian, Arabic, Portugese. For more information, please send an email to [email protected] .
You can view pictures of the exhibition at different locations and in different languages on our flickr page.