Integrated surveillance, risk assessment and early warning
Promoting robust national One Health surveillance systems for vector-borne diseases
The COVID-19 pandemic has shown how the early detection of any unusual health event is crucial. Around 60% of human infectious diseases are zoonotic and the capacity to respond depends on the coordinated involvement of multiple actors from a variety of sectors at different levels of implementation. Consequently, the adoption of a One Health approach is crucial to ensure a timely and efficient response to the risks of emerging zoonoses and vector-borne diseases.
Since 2014, MediLabSecure has built a strong multidisciplinary network to strengthen and harmonize preparedness and response capacities. Today we capitalize on the core network of experts and institutions to further reinforce:
- the integration of different sectors (human and animal health, medical entomology) for the surveillance, risk assessment and early detection of arboviruses and,
- the inclusion of relevant environmental data at country level to enhance early warning capacity
To achieve these ambitious goals, we will:
- Assess the implementation of One Health approach within surveillance systems of priority pathogens in 2 pilot countries.
- Produce collaboratively recommendations to strengthen these systems.
- Train targeted staff of laboratories and public health institutions on the use of geographic information systems (GIS) applied to epidemiology as a tool to:
- Map the distribution of vectors and the diseases they transmit combining observed data with environmental co-variates
- sensitize on the impact of climate change on vector-borne disease threats
- develop GIS decision trees and risk maps to guide decision making.
- Contribute to the development of One Health policies to support decision makers and strengthen public health workforce
- Support actions to integrate the relevant actors, including the community communities in preparedness strategies.