Training Course on Mapping Risk Areas for Aedes albopictus Vectors in Urban Settings

Entomology and Spatial Modeling teams, are collaboratively organizing a training course taking place in Tirana, Albania, from September 4th to 8th. This training is addressing the challenges posed by tiger mosquitoes (aedes albopictus), which are responsible for transmitting arboviruses such as yellow fever, dengue fever, chikungunya, and zika fever. This course aims to equip participants from 11 countries with the necessary skills to effectively map risk areas for Aedes albopictus vectors in urban contexts.
With the absence of vaccines (except for Yellow fever) and specific treatments, controlling the vector population, specifically in urban-setting due to high-risk infection, becomes crucial in preventing these diseases. However, limited data on aedes mosquitoes vector presence and distribution in urban areas burdens effective control measures. Recognizing the need for expertise in mapping these risk areas, MediLabSecure has organized the training course on “mapping risk areas for aedes albopictus vectors”.
The primary goal is to provide participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to conduct risk mapping of Aedes albopictus areas in urban contexts. By collaborating with experts from the IRD and their medical entomology expertise, and Avia-GIS, known for their mapping expertise, MediLabSecure aims to deliver comprehensive training to the participants.
The training course is designed with an on-field and a theoretical session held in Tirana, Albania. Participants will engage in both practical and theoretical exercises focused on Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and mosquito identification.
A total of 11 countries have been invited to participate in this training course: Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Egypt, Georgia, Jordan, Kosovo, Republic of North Macedonia, Montenegro, Palestine, Serbia, and Turkey. Inviting 11 entomologists from different countries can contribute to improved harmonization of aedes mosquito vector surveillance data among these nations, leading to a better collective understanding of this vector population in urban areas.